Alliance led Regional Communication Campaign on "My Caring Family is My
First Right" was launched on 1st June 2013 to raise awareness on Family as
the first place where children can see their rights. SAAGN launched the
campaign through an online petition on on 1st June 2013 as its
first initiative to launch the campaign. The petition
has been signed by more than 12,000 individuals all across the world.

in Sri Lanka, Kantha Shakthi Organization (KSO), organised a
workshop on 12th August, 2013 for officers working at the grassroots level at
the Divisional Secretariat (DS) office to identify and strengthen vulnerable
families in Badaragama village in Kalutara district. A total no. of 125
participants comprising of Child rights promotion officers, Village Sub
Divisions head, Welfare scheme officers, Development Officers and Field
Officers took part in the workshop. Five Awareness Raising Work-shops for
parents and children were organised in the months of August and Septem-ber in Damhana,
Godakumbura, Happugasthena, Panana, Walakadagama in Balangoda respectively.
The workshops mainly focused on facilitating group discus-sions among children
and adults who discussed about the various issues they confront in their daily
lives owing to the pressure of economic and social instabilities ranging from
lack of job opportunities for parents to harmful practices like child marriage.
in Nepal, Child Nepal organised a National workshop on “My Family is my
First Right” on 18th– 19th August, 2013. The objective of the workshop was to
sensitize government agencies on child rights issues, to promote advanced and
posi-tive changes in the implementation of policies and legislations. A total
of 66 partici-pants from various government and non government institutions
like National Human Rights Commission, Central Children’s Welfare Board,
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Women, Child and Social Welfare, Women and
Children Cell of police, other non governmental institutions, media persons
etc. took part in the workshop. Five presen-tations on thematic areas like
Child Marriage, Trafficking, Sexual Abuse and Exploita-tion, Corporal
Punishment and Child Labour were also presented during the workshop. The
discussions were further incorporated in the recommendations put forth by the
Nepal chapter during the SAAGN regional consultation held later in the same
Bangladesh, Art competitions were organized by two organizations, Come to
Work (CTW), Dinajpur and Centre for Rights and Development –CRD, Panchaghra on
22nd and 17th August, 2013 respectively. The art competitions were held with
the objective of spreading larger awareness among school functionaries,
children and parents. Further, discussion group meeting were organised by three
alliance partners, namely; Hitaishi Bangladesh, Dhaka, Jhikor Gacha
Development Organization (JDO), Jessore and Manob Kallyan O Samajik Unnyan
Sangstha, Khulna on 3rd, 24th and 25th August, 2013 respectively. The
meetings were conducted to carry our preparatory discussions on the thematic
issues concerning children. The recommen-dations from the meetings were
formulated and presented at the Kathmandu regional consultation. Parents
meetings were organized by Jhikor Gacha Development Or-ganization (JDO),
Jessore, Mayer Anchol, Khulna and Manob Kalyan O Samajik Unnyan
Sangsths, Khulna on 19th August, 8th September and 22nd September 2013 respectively.
The meetings provided a platform for Urban parents, social activist and child
leaders to discuss issues concerning children. Work and Rural Develop-ment
(WARD), Jessore organized a workshop on 15 August 2013 for sensitizing the Department
of Local Administration on Child Rights and the importance of child
sensitive policies and legislations supporting Children’s act 1974. Manob
Kalyan O Samajik Unnyan Sangsthan, Khulna also organised a Folk Song
competition em-phasizing upon the relevance of child rights in urban and semi–
urban areas.
In Afghanistan,
the Campaign on Children Rights to the Family was spread exten-sively through
SMSs, the company Roshan telecommunications reached out to 3 million people
through broadcasting these messages written by children. Five such messages
like, “Children should not be deprived of love, respect and compassion,”
“Families should treat boys and girls equally,” were selected out of 25
messages written by children from Aschiana on 21st July 2013 in Kabul City.
On 25th September 2013
,Aschiana, as a part of the Campaign organised a painting and Art
Exhibition in which 400 children participated. The paintings exhibited were
selected from painting competitions held with children in four provinces,Kabul,
Mazar Sharif, Herat and Gardiz in Afghanistan. Children who participated in
the event were interviewed and were motivated to express their views on
importance of a caring family. The programme was broadcasted National Radio and
TV channels.
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